Mother's Day Sale - 10% Off Everything!

In celebration & appreciation of Mother's Day, Heavenly Hair by Nicole will be offering 10% off all purchases from 4/18/2018 to 4/25/2018! Use the Coupon Code "MOM" at checkout and receive 10% off your purchase price! (offer only valid for purchases). 3 Bundles starting at $67.50! 3 Bundles w/Closure starting at $97.20! 3 Bundles w/Frontal starting at $127.80! 3 Bundles w/360Frontal starting at $154.80! DON'T MISS OUT! Shop Heavenly Hair by Nicole NOW! Tags: Heavenly Hair by Nicole Virgin Bundles Bundle deals 3 Bundle Hair Deal Mother's Day Promotion .................................................................................................................................................. The Lord's Message: For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being underst...