How to make your first sell and build your hair brand

Making your first sale isn’t easy, especially when you’re just starting as starting a new company or brand.

What Does it take to sell $142,350 in Hair?

Not as much as you think.
The average retail hair extension order is around $195.
If you get (2) sales a day at this average, you will make $390 per day in sales. Multiply that by 365 days in a year, and you get $142,350.
Sometimes, it’s a struggle in the beginning, especially when you want to spread the word about your company, but the important thing is that you keep at it! You want to ensure that people know you’re dedicated to your cause, and your brand message.
Whether it’s for weaves, wigs or extensions, human hair is in demand — and it’s not just about fashion, either. People can lose their own for all kinds of reasons, from aging to illness, etc.

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Ten Ways To Get Your First Sale

There are plenty of ways you can acquire your first sale.
However, so you don’t exhaust yourself, it’s best to find 10 ways that fit best for your mission. The great thing about having a list of ideas to get your first sale is that you’ll be able to try each one until you come across something that works.
When you find something that works, which you will, you’ll be able to save the other methods for when you want to make your next big sale.

Learn How To Get Your Hair Business Established — Read our blog

Create a Beautiful Website

A beautiful E-commerce hair website should be your first priority.
No matter what you do, you want people to be able to reference back to your website. Your website should be your one-stop shop for your consumers or potential customers. The more beautiful your website is, the more people can see how invested you are in your brand.
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Set Up Your Social Networks

Facebook Business PageInstagram BusinessTwitterPinterestLinkedin, and Youtube. Post on your accounts every day. You want to stay in your follower’s faces, with your products, sales, informative blogs/videos, etc. Basically, keep your business relevant.

Build Your Email List

An email list is one method that is essential for all types of marketing.
Email Marketing. Make sure to have an email sign up form for your customers available on your website. MailChimp is a free and professional marketing platform. This is a great way to keep your customers informed on sales, new products, etc.


Constantly create blogs through or Blogging will help get the word out about your business, products, sales, etc.

Advertising in your community

Many people feel more comfortable with purchasing hair that they can actually pick up and have the opportunity to see the quality of the hair before making a purchase. There are some customers that may be nervous with providing their credit card information online. Best ways to advertise to your community is through Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist, handing out business cards, and going to hair salons. If you decide to visit hair salons, create a spreadsheet of your prices/products and have some hair on hand with a notebook to take orders.

Video Marketing

Make sure to post videos of your hair products, reviews, etc. This is a great way of winning over skeptical customers. There are some that will feel more comfortable purchasing hair from you if they could see customer reviews on video, rather than photos.

Do A Giveaway!

Doing a giveaway is an amazing way to attract followers and increase sales.
Giveaways give your audience the opportunity to directly interact with your brand for a chance to win some of your product. It doesn’t have to be flashy or extravagant.

Network Working

Networking is essential in any niche in the business world.
This form of marketing is necessary for hair company owners.
Why? When it comes to hair, people want to see the product in person.
What better opportunity to showcase your product than at a fantastic networking event? When networking, you don’t want to only focus on making sales. You want to focus on building and creating long-term relationships.

Sell Hair Extensions with Instagram

The next best thing to Facebook is Instagram!
Here are some basics on how to sell hair extensions on IG!
Your marketing strategy on Instagram will be more visual than Facebook. It is important to have a good mix of photo types and promotions to keep your followers interested.
Building up your Instagram page will take time. Research the best #HASHTAG strategies to use for your posts. It will help you get found and followed much faster.
Once you have your Instagram page registered it is important to correctly fill out an excellent description, your phone number, email, and address if available.
Try to create a schedule for your posts and promotions. If you want to stay systematic use a program like that allows you to schedule your posts for the future.
This scheduling technique can be fantastic if you can’t use social media during the day, you are on vacation and want peace of mind that your social media is running. We use a similar program here, and it has helped grow our following tremendously.

Sell Hair Extensions in the Facebook Marketplace

Facebook created an easy way to sell a little bit of everything online with their Facebook Marketplace.
Think of it as like a “Craigslist” but with more credibility because it is connected to your personal Facebook profile.
In your area, you can list your hair extension products for sale online for free. We have a lot of clients around the USA that do this with really good results.
Add this to your how to sell hair extensions “To-Do” list!
Make sure to take great photos of the hair and even think about being in the picture.

Ready to Start Selling Hair Extensions?

Starting your hair extension brand can be very rewarding. The key is not to make the upfront mistakes that can be very costly to your business. Keep your running expenses low and your motivation high! Learning different aspects of the hair business will help you learn how to sell hair extensions faster with better profits.
To finish this up let’s go over some Do’s & Don’ts of Selling Hair Extensions:


  • Don’t put your website on a crappy E-commerce platform or have it hosted on a cheap server that is slow.
  • Don’t accept risky transactions with customers requesting a shipping address not matching their billing.
  • Don’t spam your personal pages with promotions for your hair company.
  • Don’t try to overcharge your customers. The days of $150 bundles are over!


  • Do have a mobile-friendly website that has clean graphics and professional.
  • Do follow up with every comment on social media and email to your customer service.
  • Do continue to learn how to be better at every aspect of your business.
  • Do focus on offering great products at great prices with fast shipping.

Learn More About Virgin Hair: What is Virgin Hair?
Purchase Wholesale: Wholesale Virgin Hair Packages


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